Sunday, October 17, 2010

We got dat first place, EY! We got dat first place..

Hey, check out this adorable picture of a cat in a Bass Drum---^

Hello children + James
SO, obviously awesome job tonight. It would have been really easy, what with changes and last night's horrendous performance, to freak out and have a bad rep, but even in the lot, you could feel the intensity, focus and hype from everybody, and that inevitable nervousness (not from us, of course, but from those drumline's that watched us.) It was pretty freakin ridiculous. But, we're not a "only play clean in the lot because we have stands" drumline and pit . Way to carry the intensity all the way to the last down beat of the closer. Spot on.
That being said, I really wouldn't have cared if we had gotten the first place or fourth place spot tonight. Really, I know DR harps on it a lot, but who cares if a judge thinks we play to loud, or aggressive, or our snares are too wet or dry, or thinks that five snares is too much for a high school drumline, and takes off ten points on principle? (Okay, that last one was pushing it, but you get the idea). We all, as far I could tell, came out of that show feeling not only like complete bada**es, but also just proud of such a superior product.
I think at Wakefield, we were all still caught up in winning, starting the season out right, that we were playing to WIN, and not to perform. Okay, obviously we want to win, but tonight was a PERFORMANCE. We went out and laid down a ridiculous show, ridiculously well, and that's all we should ever strive to do.

PC Dline - 2 firsts, 0 seconds, 0 thirds.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Updates Updates Updates

Hey, check out this sweet picture ^ In case you've missed it..

The titles kind of a lie..because theres nothing really coming up you don't already know about, buutt I'm to get some kind of half-pattern going on with this whole blog business. So let's go over stuff DR already told us! (Never hurts to get a reminder though)
So, this week, obviously Drumline tomorrow (bring water, clothes ect..) Just because last week was on stands in perfect weather doesn't mean this week will be any similar, we have too much stuff to clean to wimp out two weeks in a row. Wednesday, wack PSAT schedule, but normal band after school. *See above essentials for practice* It's still hot, and our show has uncountable things to it should be this early in the season.
Friday is homecoming and rookie night :O LETS FREAK OUT, two things at once!
But seriously, it'll be fun, actually easier than usual, because we're not doing pregame, and probably less than half of our show because of homecoming court tings. Get here at 4:30, play for the wittle fweshman to blow their minds, have fun, leave. Thenn Fuquay is Saturday. If you didn't already know that you're cut.
On a serious note guys, today's rehearsal was..not good, for everyone, including myself. There was zero concentration or effort, and pretty much every rep was wasted. We can't allow ourselves to drop to that level. With our show, we can't afford it.
All righttt, on that happy note, I'll shee you guysh tomorrow.
Love, <3>

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

First Competition :O -Wakefield, 10/2

Hey guys + Daniella.
Soooo first place? Prelim's in our class AND of the whole day on our third full run of the show ever? I'll take it.
Seriously though, awesome job, everyone made a clear effort and push, especially in the last week, to that top level, and we deserve everything we got. THAT BEING SAID, this obviously isn't an excuse to slack off. If anything, it should be a wake up call to work even harder. The only place we can go now is down. And that hurts, bad. You can bet every other drumline is out there busting their backsides trying to bring us down. We'll have to improve at an even more superior level to maintain what we earned Saturday. Drumline and pit alike have infinite things that need improvement, which is how it should be. If you weren't aware, our shows are written to perfect the day before USSBA, so please, PLEASE don't take a first place trophy as a season winner and closer. We still have 4 to go.
HYPE, HYPE, HYPE. We have two weeks to clean before Fuquay. Two whole weeks to improve an already epic show, in which, if you managed to hide under a rock during the past week of band, we KILL A SMALL CHILD.

Welcome to competition season.