The titles kind of a lie..because theres nothing really coming up you don't already know about, buutt I'm to get some kind of half-pattern going on with this whole blog business. So let's go over stuff DR already told us! (Never hurts to get a reminder though)
So, this week, obviously Drumline tomorrow (bring water, clothes ect..) Just because last week was on stands in perfect weather doesn't mean this week will be any similar, we have too much stuff to clean to wimp out two weeks in a row. Wednesday, wack PSAT schedule, but normal band after school. *See above essentials for practice* It's still hot, and our show has uncountable things to fix..as it should be this early in the season.
Friday is homecoming and rookie night :O LETS FREAK OUT, two things at once!
But seriously, it'll be fun, actually easier than usual, because we're not doing pregame, and probably less than half of our show because of homecoming court tings. Get here at 4:30, play for the wittle fweshman to blow their minds, have fun, leave. Thenn Fuquay is Saturday. If you didn't already know that you're cut.
On a serious note guys, today's rehearsal was..not good, for everyone, including myself. There was zero concentration or effort, and pretty much every rep was wasted. We can't allow ourselves to drop to that level. With our show, we can't afford it.
All righttt, on that happy note, I'll shee you guysh tomorrow.
Love, <3>
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