Wednesday, July 28, 2010

First Day!

Hey guys, really awesome job, especially you rookies, on getting through your first half day of the new season. Kimball and I both saw a legitimate effort to live up to the drumline's reputation and obvious signs everybody bothered to practice over the that's pretty cool. Everybody heard the horns today in the auditorium, PRETTY epic. Our playing and hits will be just as powerful, if not more so, so make sure your really looking at what music we have in the next few days. Memorized by Monday! Other than that, make sure to have assorted office supplies (binder, sheet protectors, dot book ect..) tomorrow, and WATER. It's going to be just as hot, so be ready for more fun with Kimball outside! Seriously, we're in great shape for the season if everybody continues to progress as they have been, practice and not suck. Sweet guys, see you tomorrow.
Love, Eric

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Almost Band Camp Again *happy face*

WHOA, DRUMLINE POST. Hey guys (and Daniella), sorry this took so long to finally get going. But now we finally have a post for the 2010-2011 season, and band camp is just around the corner :D Everybody on the line is good enough nobody needs constant reminders to practice, WITH a met, but just as a refresher: Met, Mirror, Chop out. Every. Day. Hooray for good practice habits! Anyway, in case anybody's been losing track, rookie camp is eight days away, band camp is thirteen :O Just make sure your prepared to bring your best starting that first morning.

SNARES, we'll be having a sectional the Tuesday before Rookie camp begins, the 27th (you should all have received my text/facebook message. ) No specific time yet, just keep that date open, it will last between two and four hours, ON drums.

Thaattt just about sums it up. I feel a little lame posting this, it's a little serious, but all really important reminders and information you should keep in mind. Keep your eyes open on here for any more scheduling adjustments, and I'll be sure to start up the line interviews again soon. Other than that, have a good rest of vacation, snares, see you Tuesday, and everybody else Wednesday.