Tuesday, December 20, 2011

End of Year Updates!

Hey guys, it's been a while since our last talk on here, but there's a lot of news and happenings in the percussion-world we should all be aware of as second semester approaches (10 days :O)

First, a final congratulations for what can only be described as an epic marching season. Kimball and Jeremy threw some crazy stuff at us this year, and we still had time to figure out some Katy Perry lot jams (obviously as essential element to any successful program).

Now, a lot of you probably still reminisce about the good old days, re-watching USSBA videos on loop and quietly sobbing into endless boxes of Kleenex extra-soft tissues, dreaming of next year's show. Pretty close? Understandable.

Fortunately, we have Indoor Percussion AND Wind Ensemble to focus on!

A lot of you have been showing some serious enthusiasm in the couple indoor rehearsals we've had, which is fantastic. If everybody's not having fun with it, we're not going to be successful. Remember, until we set parts, everybody who is interested is invited, so keep on dragging your friends to Tuesday and Thursday after-school auditions. They'll have fun, we all know it.

HOWEVER, please make sure you're not ignoring Wind Ensemble. Just because we're standing in one place and not blowing people's faces off doesn't mean it's not important. Everything we do at Panther Creek goes toward our reputation, and a ridiculous fall season doesn't mean much if we can't transfer those skills to the band room.
All right, enough of that! Every one of you is smart enough to know how to act, and when. Except...nah, it's everybody.

Okay, wrapping up! Please practice Indoor music and techniques over Christmas Break! If you don't come back better and ready to work, it will set a awful tone for the rest of the season. We have an amazing opportunity to be extremely successful. It's all hinging on how hard you want it, and how hard you are willing to work for it.

Thanks guys (and gals :D). Have a super shweet break, see you Dec. 2,
